More than ever, businesses are taking on the role of leading the world towards positive social change. For many companies, sustainability is no longer a buzzword to attract clientele, but a commitment to their employees’ and the community’s values. Now, embedded into many company cultures volunteering, donating, and participating in activities that benefit causes that matter. So, as your team plans your giving back strategy, here are some reasons you should consider including a Day of Service in your calendar.
What is a Day of Service?
The definition of Day of Service is set time — usually a half or full-day — where employees are encouraged to volunteer with a do-good organization such as a nonprofit, school, community center, etc. Days of Service help these do-good organizations: raise awareness about their cause, get the manpower to complete necessary projects, and make lasting connections with volunteers.
Companies can choose any day of the year to be their Day of Service. Or they can plan a Day of Service as part of observing national or international holidays like Thanksgiving or International Volunteer Week. Days of Service can be offered once a year or more regularly.
How a Day of Service Benefits Companies
While Days of Service undoubtedly help the nonprofit and other do-good organizations that receive support from corporate benefactors, these Days also positive impact those who are serving. Here are some ways a Day of Service can help your business:
Build Team Bonds Across Departments Oftentimes, employees in bigger companies are not able to meet colleagues whom they do not have a direct working relationship with. One way to establish team bonds across departments is through company events like a Day of Service, where team members can interact with one another over a meaningful task, regardless of their role in the office.
Establish Momentum for Giving Back Instead of making an impact on your community once a year, make it part of your company culture by regularly participating in volunteer and team-building activities for a cause. Days of Service can be a great way to “launch” your team’s commitment to social good, establishing a momentum for future giving back events.
Increase Employee Loyalty When employees feel that the causes they care about are heard and acted upon by their company, they are more likely to feel a sense of loyalty to that company. Likewise, when they are encouraged and equipped to contribute to such causes in a hands-on way, these employees gain a sense of pride in themselves and being associated with their employer. As such, Days of Services benefit companies and employees by improving employee purpose, which helps attract and retain talent.
BrainPOP: A Real-World Example
In December 2019, the educational tech company BrainPOP participated in a Day of Service benefiting community-based organization Commonpoint Queens. The BrainPOP team consisted of over 60 enthusiastic volunteers who painted a specially designed mural to brighten up a community space that serves people of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities.
BrainPOP’s team of 60+ at a corporate volunteering event in Queens, NY.
BrainPOP employees were not only able to contribute to their community, but bonds were made between team members who had never had the chance to meet in the office. Overall, both the organization and the company benefited from this successful Day of Service.
One of the murals that BrainPOP painted during their Day of Service at Commonpoint Queens, a do-good organization based in NYC.
To plan your very own Day of Service, contact the team at, or request a demo of our platform on our site.
All photos by Commonpoint Queens
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